Parish Council News
Please see the link below, explaining the parish council precept increase for 2025/26.
PCSO surgery
The upcoming Police Surgery for the Shakerley area.
Monday 3rd March,
between 10am – 11am.
Hulme Lane, Lower Peover. A Police vehicle to be parked near to the shop.
Saturday 8th March,
between 2pm - 3pm.
Lach Dennis Village Hall, Holmes Chapel. A Police Vehicle will be parked on the Car Park.
Wednesday 9th April,
between 5pm – 6pm.
Princess Road, Allostock. A police vehicle will be parked near to the play area.
Thursday 17th April,
between 6pm – 7pm.
Costa Coffee, Lostock Gralam.
Tuesday 22nd April,
between 2pm – 3pm.
Hulme Lane, Lower Peover. A Police vehicle to be parked near to the shop.
Tuesday 29th April,
between 3pm - 4pm.
Lostock Green Church, Birches Lane, Lostock Green. A Police vehicle will be parked outside.
Everyone is welcome to come along to say hello and discuss any local issues or concerns.
I am aware that not everyone will be able to attend these surgeries, if you wish to raise any concerns please complete the Residents Voice Survey on the Cheshire Police Website,
when completing the survey, the Policing area is Shakerley.
Facebook Group for Lostock Gralam Residents:
Lostock Gralam Community Together
Parish Council Meetings
Parish Council meetings are at the Church Hall on the first Monday of the month at the new time of 7.00pm.
Public welcome.
Monday 3rd March 2025 -7.00 pm
Monday 7th April 2025 - 7.00 pm
Monday 12th May 2025 -7.00 pm (APA & AM)
Monday 2nd June 2025 -7.00 pm
Monday 7th July 2025 -7.00 pm
No meeting in August
Monday 1st September -7.00 pm
Monday 6th October -7.00 pm
Monday 3rd November -7.00 pm
Monday 1st December -7.00 pm
Please sign our Guest Book to leave a comment regarding any issues or suggestions you may have regarding Lostock Gralam-
Thank you for the information you have supplied which has been forwarded onto the Police to help them with there investigations. This is a matter which the Parish Council has previously raised with the Police & Crime Commissioner and Northwich Police. We understand that this is a live investigation hence why your comments have not been published.
Thank you for your comments and information
The Parish Council has supplied CCTV to the Police, they have photographed the Graffiti and informed those businesses who's assets have been sprayed. The Parish Council has not asked private homes to clean the graffiti off their property.
Many thanks
Parish Clerk
Thanks for your comments, yes the Parish Council has raised Lodge Lane with CWAC Highways previously. I have again raised this with CWAC Highways since your post. I’ll update here when I get a response. Thank you Lyndsey (Parish Clerk)
Hi, so I’ve had a reply from CWAC Highways. Lodge Lane isn’t currently on the list for resurface. Back in the day we would report a surface, CWAC Highways would inspect and then they’d do the necessary to repair the road. This method has now changed, they now look at the number of road users on the road, how many incidents or reports of damage there are like pot holes etc to ensure that money is spent where its most needed. In order to get Lodge Lane on the watch list we need to report things like potholes / damage and this will help to get it on the list. I’m sorry this isn’t more helpful. Thanks Lyndsey
UPDATE: New trees are to be planted after the building work at the junction of Manchester road and Wells Av. has been completed. There appears to be no planning breaches. The PC has also put forward a request for more trees at the Lostock Triangle and is awaiting a response.
Dog mess all the way along School lane, with evidence some people (most likely children) have stepped in it on their way to school. Who ever let their dog fowl like this should be utterly ashamed of themselves, its disgusting. Looks to be different dogs too from the sizes of the deposits.
This needs to stop.
Thank you for your comments, I'll get onto the dog warden ASAP Monday morning. Update: CWAC complaint reference number 4855032
Best Regards Lyndsey Sandison Parish Clerk
Hi, The surfacing works are ongoing and will take approx. 3 months to complete.
Bellway Homes apologise for any inconvenience caused.ThanksLyndsey (Parish Clerk)
Also regarding the Christmas light switch on, couldn't you of chosen someone from our community that people would of liked? Maybe head child of the primary school or head teacher of the primary or tiny tots? You could of even run a competition where the children of the community had to draw a picture? These options seem more appropriate. Maybe you should be in our community a bit more and you'll know our likes and dislikes a bit more.
Thank you for your comment, I will raise a complaint with CWAC regarding the Fryer Road and Townshend Road lighting. All Lostock Gralam Parish Councillors live within the Lostock Gralam Parish so any decisions made are from local people. There is a 15 minute public forum at the start of each monthly Parish Council meeting, so please feel free to come along and have your say. Thanks Clerk to Lostock Gralam Parish Council.
I find it hard to accept that these classes running for two hours each week can come anywhere close to “making lives a misery”. Surely the traffic on the main road and /or children playing on the park every day generate more noise than an hour long fitness class that is providing many benefits to the local community. Have you contacted the instructor to discuss your specific concerns?
The instructor allows the children to regularly join in too so it doesn’t disrupt there playing whilst on the park.
To be able to go to my local children’s playing area to do something for me is so convenient too, I love being a resident in lostock as it’s things like this that set us part from other areas I’ve lived previously.
To say its "making lives a misery" is utterly ridiculous. No one else has expressed any issue and it's two hours a week which are not at an unsuitable time!
I don't even understand your 3rd sentence as it makes no sense whatsoever.
Our group is fantastic and I know so many people benefit from it - more people should be getting out in the fresh air to get fit and healthy considering we have one of the highest obesity rates in Europe, let alone the world!!
You live under a flight path, next to main road and opposite a Children’s Park that is always busy, did you complain about the work men making your road better over night? Or the children playing all weekend in the park? Or to Manchester airport about the late night or early morning flights?. I am not going to go into the benefits of outdoor training with you but to say I make lives a misery is very unfair, speak any of my members I actually improve lives on a weekly basis!!. Whose lives am I making a misery?? I give encouragement and positive motivation for less than 1 hour twice in a week of 168 hours! I would like you to have a meeting with me rather than publicly complain in a way that is unfair. You have never once come over to speak to me!! Let’s organise a meeting to discuss this. ***** I live in Lostock Gralam.
There is so much noise from the group especially the trainer ... why is it so loud ??
And bob aport to be from the village... why do the do it where they live ?
Making lives a misery !!!!
Thank you for your post I’ll pass on your comments to the Community Centre. Best Regards Lyndsey Sandison
Thank you for your message, a good few years ago planning was passed by CWAC for self storage next to the railway station car park. I haven’t heard anything more however I will make a few phone calls and report back Best Regards Lyndsey Sandison Clerk
Also they're definitely needs to be a zebra crossing on the Manchester Road just up from the newsagents across from the park as it's a nightmare to cross. To cross the road safely you either have to walk down to the car garage or up to the co-op as there's nothing in between. Hope something gets sorted soon.
Thanks for your msg. The PC would also like a crossing and is looking into it with CWAC. Best Regards Clerk to the Council
Wrould you be able to update us on the current process of the road & pavement resurfacing on the Bellway development please? I saw that it was mentioned in previous meeting minutes but nothing was promised date wise - do you have an idea of when we can expect it to be completed please?
Thank you
Lucy Heyliger
Hello, thanks for the comment I’ve sent an email to Bellway for an update and will post it here once received. Thanks Lyndsey
Hi update now received:
Bellway is struggling to agree with the Local Authority Clerk of Works a suitable way forward to enable roads and footpaths to be finally surfaced.
They have placed all remaining works with a contractor who is working directly with CWAC. There is a meeting scheduled to take place between Bellway contractors and CWAC to establish if sewers can be adopted, once this has been agreed with Mr Warren Chatterton final surfacing can be carried out. Unfortunately at the time of writing Bellway is unable to give any detailed dates. Bellway is working closely with CWAC to get this matter completed ASAP.
Thank you.
Hi please can you confirm the exact location of the sign? NGR 685734 relates to a canal sign just over the canal bridge on Manchester Road. I thought that the sign was on the Hall Lane/Manchester Rd Crossroads just in front of the car sales garage. Many thanks L Sandison (Clerk)
Thank you for your comment, we will investigate the matter. Parish Clerk
Update: Hi just to let you know I have requested that the Dog Warden visit our Parish and I've requested no dog fouling stickers for the lamp posts on School Lane and Stubbs Lane. We are also looking a further bins in the area. Best Regards Parish Clerk
Thanks for your comments I have requested that the Dog Warden pay our Parish a visit and I’ve requested no dog fouling stickers for the lamp posts on School Lane and Stubbs Lane. Best Regards Clerk to Parish Council
Can we put some written words in to the web site for those who could not attend........its affects a lot of people and you are our voice of the community..........
Thank you for your comments. A TATA update page has now been created. I will also post any minutes received on this page too. Best Regards the Clerk
Has any progress been made on this? It's now mid-June.
Thank you for your message, a quote to repair the sign will be on the next Agenda.
I also think the cross road juction needs changing at the slow and easy aswell as a filter on the lights. Also is there enough money in the pot now for a picnic bench for the park?
Thank you for your comments, the Zebra crossing is new suggestion however I will put it to the council. The Parish Council has instructed CWAC to conduct a light sequence analysis to look at the lights at the Slow and Easy, we are awaiting to hear back their recommendations. And thirdly yes we are having two picnic benches installed and three music boards at the Community Centre Park. Thanks for contacting Lostock Gralam Parosh Council
SATURDAY 11th FEBRUARY 2017 at 10:00am
Q & A
Refreshment's will be available at the Lach Dennis Coffee Morning until 12.00
We look forward to seeing you.
First the incinerator, now this . HS2, I first came to live here 20 yes ago
It was a lovely place with no rush hour traffic,a perfect blend of town and country,
I've just been looking at the colour bands for compensation, and realised
Hs2 is offering me £7.500 compensation, a small amount for all the upheaval
And loss of value in my property, i think hs2 needs to get real about this situation
If they want to get the public on there side
Dear Mr Ward
Thanks for your comment. I understand where you are coming from, firstly the Parish Council has invited CWAC Highways to the next Parish Council meeting and has set 20 issues to be discussed and hopefully resolved.
Secondly we are currently drafting the HS2 Consulation Reponse for Lostock Gralam, so your comments are welcome and will be considered in our response.
Many thanks
Lyndsey Sandison Clerk to Lostock Gralam
It would also be helpful if the parish council could keep us informed of any proposals to re-route the A556.
I must say that I do feel disappointed that the village has been somewhat sacrificed in order to accommodate the now infamous 'Tatton Bend'.
Dear Mr Kettle, the Chairman and I have another HS2 meeting on 31.1.2017 where we hope to gain further information. I am currently in the process of writing the Lostock Gralam Parish Council response to the HS2 consultations.
I will ask your questions at the HS2 meeting and report back.
Best Regards
Lyndsey Sandison
Thank you for your message. This is a project for the New Year and will be resolved soon. Regards The Clerk to Lostock Gralam Parish Council
Speed limit not adhered too...but think too much empasis on such a small strech of road. Lodge Lane (where I live) is far more dangerous as every day I witness cars, vans etc traveling the wrong way. It will probably be me with my 6 month old in the car that will have a head on collision one of these days when turning into the road. Can more be done to help make that road safe please, rather than thousands spent on a small stretch near the Watermead???
PS I did email last year about the state of the road at the crossroads at Slow and Easy, glad to see this has finally been sorted. Can right filter now be added for vehicles turning right into Hall Road???