Parish Council News



Please see the link below, explaining the parish council precept increase for 2025/26.


Precept request 2025/26


PCSO surgery

The upcoming Police Surgery for the Shakerley area.


Monday 3rd March,

between 10am – 11am.

Hulme Lane, Lower Peover. A Police vehicle to be parked near to the shop.


Saturday 8th March,

between 2pm - 3pm.

Lach Dennis Village Hall, Holmes Chapel. A Police Vehicle will be parked on the Car Park.


Wednesday 9th April,

between 5pm – 6pm.

Princess Road, Allostock. A police vehicle will be parked near to the play area.


Thursday 17th April,

between 6pm – 7pm.

Costa Coffee, Lostock Gralam.


Tuesday 22nd April,

between 2pm – 3pm.

Hulme Lane, Lower Peover. A Police vehicle to be parked near to the shop.


Tuesday 29th April,

between 3pm - 4pm.

Lostock Green Church, Birches Lane, Lostock Green. A Police vehicle will be parked outside.



Everyone is welcome to come along to say hello and discuss any local issues or concerns.


I am aware that not everyone will be able to attend these surgeries, if you wish to raise any concerns please complete the Residents Voice Survey on the Cheshire Police Website,

when completing the survey, the Policing area is Shakerley.



Facebook Group for Lostock Gralam Residents:

 Lostock Gralam Community Together


Parish Council Meetings


Parish Council meetings are at the Church Hall on the first Monday of the month at the new time of 7.00pm.

Public welcome.


Monday 3rd March 2025 -7.00 pm

Monday 7th April 2025 - 7.00 pm

Monday 12th May 2025 -7.00 pm (APA & AM)

Monday 2nd June 2025 -7.00 pm

Monday 7th July 2025 -7.00 pm

No meeting in August

Monday 1st September -7.00 pm

Monday 6th October -7.00 pm

Monday 3rd November -7.00 pm

Monday 1st December -7.00 pm









Lostock Gralam Parish Council operates a small community grant fund, which is set annually when the Parish Council agrees the parish precept request. This grant fund is available exclusively for the benefit of residents within the parish of Lostock Gralam.


Grants are awarded at the discretion of the Parish Council to not-for- profit charities, volunteer organisations, or other worthy causes, that can demonstrate a clear need for financial support, to achieve an objective, that benefits the parish in one or more of the following ways:


  1. Providing a service
  2. Enhancing the quality of life
  3. Improving the environment
  4. Promoting Lostock Gralam Parish in a positive way


Grant requests must be submitted using the official grant application form, completed in full, and emailed to the Parish Clerk. Applications must meet the criteria outlined below. Grants will be considered at the next Parish Council meeting, provided the application is received before the summons for that meeting has been issued.


Grants will NOT be awarded to:


  • Cover running costs, such as wages, rent, costs relating to fundraising etc.
  • Pay for projects retrospectively.
  • Organisations where there is a statutory duty upon other local or central government departments to fund or provide unless such duty is devolved to the community or local level by agreement.
  • Grants will not be awarded to or for any commercial venture for private gain.
  • Political parties.
  • Religious groups where funding is to be used to promote religious beliefs.


Grant Criteria


  • The grant must benefit all or some of the residents of Lostock Gralam.
  • Only not for profit organisations are eligible to apply.
  • An organisation should have a bank account in its own name with two authorised representatives required to sign each cheque.



Grant Application Procedure


  • Grant requests must be submitted using the Parish Council's official grant application form, which can be downloaded from the Parish Council website.
  • Completed grant application forms must be submitted to the Parish Clerk via email.
  • Grants will be considered at the next Parish Council meeting, provided the application is received in time to be included on the summons.
  • The amount of the award will be at the discretion of the Parish Council.
  • Grants will typically be paid by bank transfer during the next payment run. However, a cheque may be issued to allow the grant payment to be made on the same day a decision is reached.
  • Incomplete application forms will be returned, and additional information will be requested.


Assessment Procedure


  • Each application will be assessed on its own merit. However, to ensure that grants are distributed fairly, the Parish Council will consider the amount and frequency of any previous awards, as well as the number of people who will benefit from the grant.
  • Consideration will be given to the extent to which funding has been sought or secured from other sources or fundraising activities.
  • The Parish Council reserves the right to refuse any grant application it deems inappropriate or inconsistent with the objectives of the Parish Council.
  • The Parish Council will assess whether the organisation or group could reasonably have been expected to obtain sufficient funding from another, potentially more suitable, source.
  • Once the grant budget has been exhausted, the Parish Council will only consider emergency requests for assistance.


Grant Application Terms and Conditions


By submitting a grant application to Lostock Gralam Parish Council, you agree to the following terms on behalf of your group/organisation:

  • For grants under £1,000, you must submit receipts or paid invoices corresponding to the items detailed in your application within three months of receiving the payment. If you are unable to meet this deadline, you must inform Lostock Gralam Parish Council immediately in writing, so alternative arrangements can be considered.
  • For grants exceeding £1,000, you are required to provide a financial statement clearly showing how the Parish Council's contribution was spent. Any unused grant money must be returned to the Parish Council.
  • Failure to provide the required receipts, statements, or proof of purchase may affect any grant application you make in the future.
  • The grant funding must only be used for the purposes detailed in your application. If there are any significant changes to the project, you must notify the Parish Council in writing immediately. In such cases, you must not spend the grant money without obtaining written consent.




Please return completed grant application form to the Parish Clerk: